Tag Archives: comic

How Are They Going to Pull Off… Logan

Another in my ongoing series wondering on the question… how are they going to pull off this movie? This time it’s Logan, entering in as the 10th X-Men franchise movie, the third solo Wolverine movie, and as a theoretical adaptation from the comics – especially of the Old Man Logan story. That’s a lot of baggage to carry into a movie.

Meanwhile, the trailers have shown us a movie stripped down to simplicity, to emotions. And violence, something that follows Wolverine wherever he goes. It’s worth noting this is also going to be rated R so they’re doing a bit there which they haven’t before with him, but this definitely looks like a movie that serves more purpose than just an excuse to make an R-rated Wolverine movie.

To be honest, the movie just looks good and is also getting great feedback from folks who have seen it, from the people involved, or even just people seeing the trailers. This may be a movie that transcends its superhero-movie subgenre and becomes just a standalone classic. Unfortunately, that’s the hype and expectation level they’ve gotten me to, so it has a lot to live up to!

But to get to that point, well, how are they going to pull that off?

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Holly’s Best of 2016

Another year of media consumed and in a year of generally terrible things it is nice to look at what was good during this year. This year was difficult because with GeekBaby it can be difficult to find the time and we are slowly figuring it out. The lack of time that we have does mean that we are more particular about what we consume, which can make it hard to decide what was the best for this year. Now the other issue is the fact that for these it is not about whether it was released this year, but whether we consumed it this year. So without further adieu here are my best of 2016

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Character Study: Scott Lang (Ant-Man)

Ant-Man army

Real Name: Scott Lang

Powers: Thanks to Pym Particles, Scott (Ant-Man) can shrink to the size of an ant. He can also communicate telepathically with insects. When he shrinks, he retains his human strength.

Abilities: Scott has expertise in electronics.


Scott Lang is the current Ant-Man, though he achieved the title by unorthodox means. He stole the Ant-Man suit from Dr. Henry (Hank) Pym, in order to save his daughter’s life. Not the first time Scott stole in order to support his family. He turned to crime when he was no longer able to support his wife and daughter, and became a skilled thief as a way to make ends meet. Of course this path didn’t end well, and Scott spent a time in prison.

After his release, he worked in the design department at Stark International; trying to turn over a new leaf. When he discovered his daughter had a fatal heart condition, he decided to call on the help of Dr. Erica Sondheim. It turned out she had been kidnapped by Darren Cross of Cross Technological Enterprises, who had a heart condition of his own. Scott stole Hank’s suit to rescue Dr. Sondheim and save his little girl. The mission was a success, and Hank allowed him to keep the suit – as long as he continued to use it for good.

scott and his daughter

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Locke and Key, Delayed Reaction

Locke and Key Welcome to Lovecraft

The graphic novel Locke and Key has been out for a while and recently released volume 6 in trade paperback. David and I have been hearing a lot about these comics and wanted to read them, but cost right now for buying them was a little much. Lucky for us I noticed that our local library was carrying all six volumes and I was able to get the first four right away. So we have been catching up on the series. First off let me say that the series is amazing and if you have not read it then you need to go out right now and get it, either bought or from your local library. This is a series that I might buy now that I have read it just because I want to own it. It is something I would read again and I have not even finished the series yet. At this point I have read through Volume 3 of the series and it is amazing.

I am someone who has not read many graphic novels and am not particularly a horror fan partly because horror tends to just be a bloody mess. Locke and Key creates a world that is intelligent, relatable, and scary beyond imagination. The things that come out of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez are beautiful, horrifying, funny, and extremely clever. The more I read of the series the more I want to read. Continue reading