Tag Archives: Memes

Meme Monday – Looney Tunes

Hey, who knew that Looney Tunes had a Twitter, and that they were sharing .gifs and generally just trying to remain relatable in today’s world?



Movies to Memes

For meme Monday, we watched this video the other day! I thought it was new… but apparently it was just one that YouTube was recommending from a few years back. Still, good list!

I like the list except the number one spot – not one we’re familiar with.

End of the World – Meme Monday

Just in general, this video was seeming like the right Meme Monday for today. This feeling was confirmed after watching last night’s excellent Last Week Tonight.


This was one of my original favorite Internet videos from way back on Albino Black Sheep, and one that my friends and I quoted a lot and that I still quote – and can recite – to this day. Enjoy!

Logical Fallacy Ref

Barely making it in time… other things to do today! For Meme Monday, I thought I would share one of the best sets of memes I know of but don’t regularly use… the Logical Fallacy Referees!


Honestly, I should probably just get all of these on my phone for constant use… Anyway, 32 great memes for you in one embedded imgur link! Enjoy!

And Now, GIFs.

So first Twitter, and now Facebook it seems, have added a quick button to search for and add .gif moving images to your comments, replies, and posts. Because what the world needed, apparently, was more GIFs.

On the one hand, this is a good add – I have tried sharing GIFs a few different ways prior to this, and something generally always went wrong. It was clunky, trying to save the file to your phone, or download it, or copy in the link, or whatever else. I didn’t do it enough to get good at it – instead collecting a phone full of memes.

Now I feel late to the party as everyone else is skilling up their GIF-fu. So tell me your tips and tricks for laying down the best GIFs! And drop in some of your favorites if, ya know, you can.