Daily Archives: April 25, 2014

V is for Varric Tethras

VIt’s certainly a good week to have Dragon Age on the mind, with a new trailer out and a release date set. But Varric was always my plan for the letter V – the sort of character who makes you almost appreciate Bards. Almost.

Varric could likely talk himself out of any situation. And if that doesn’t work, he can always turn to Bianca, his clockwork crossbow. He keeps up almost constant banter through Dragon Age 2, shows interest in all of the different PCs. His loyalty is fascinating, as well: it seems almost absolute, but it is a loyalty to the story of you and your deeds, more than it is a loyalty to you, as the Champion of Kirkwall. He’s a fun character, and confirmed to be coming back in Dragon Age 3 out on October 7!

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