Daily Archives: April 18, 2014

P is for Peter Petrelli

PHeroes had one of the best first seasons of a show in recent memory, which in part stands out because it had such a decline thereafter. I have always held it was the writer’s strike that killed the show, as season 2 seemed to be going somewhere, and then in a rush to finish the season, they took all the easy ways out. They lost most of their viewership then, Holly and I included.

That all said, I am cautiously optimistic at the thought of Heroes Reborn, the reboot of the Heroes world, and it has me reminiscing on the show. And thinking back to that driving character: Peter Petrelli. While the early seasons never really had a “team” of Heroes or anything quite like that, there was nonetheless the obvious choice for who would find them, and who would lead them. Peter Petrelli, the man whose power was the use the powers of those he met. The one who knew, unlike the others, that they weren’t alone – that they were in it together.

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