Tag Archives: Iceman

All the Mutants! – X-Men: Days of Future Past

After my LitFlix of Amazing Spider-Man 2 yesterday, I wanted a bit of time before writing my next one on X-Men: Days of Future Past. However, I have a lot to say about this movie (well, I had a lot to say about Amazing Spider-Man 2 as well…) and so I am breaking it up into three posts. So consider this my X-Men: Days of Future Past week! I have X-Men related posts queued up all week on our Tumblr as well, so check them out!

Despite having a lot of known characters used again, there were a lot of new characters in the film as well. While they weren’t exactly pivotal to the plot, they were phenomenal additions, given a chance to use their powers, to have great scenes, and made for a really fun summer blockbuster. 

So between these known characters and new ones, there were a number used really well – and a number that weren’t. Here are some of my thoughts on all the mutants! (Spoilers!)

all the mutants!

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Comics Review – All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men

All New X-Men CoversAnother review in my quest to find new comics to read! I have looked at the New Avengers, and at the Uncanny X-Force and Uncanny Avengers. I think between these I have found one that I think will be short lived, one that I will probably keep reading to find out where they are going with it, and one that I am probably good with.

However, in my original post where I hit the end of some comics, I got a great recommendation from Michael Allan Leonard of Public Domain. He recommended two of the new Marvel X-Men line-up: the All New X-Men, and the new run of Uncanny X-Men.

I read these in the wrong order: I checked out the Uncanny X-Men first, and then the All New X-Men. Mistake! So let’s look through these in the right order.

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