Tag Archives: Specials

Recommended Reading: Scott Westerfeld

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

An author that I discovered some years back is Scott Westerfeld. I do not even remember how I first found the initial book I read by him. I think it might have been completely by chance while at a Barnes and Noble and I ran across a table with books for young adults and found Uglies. Obviously I decided to buy it and I fell in love with the book. Of course it was the first part of a trilogy and it does not end in a way that really gives you closure. It ends in a way that makes you want to read more. So I got the rest of the series.

Then I discovered a few more books that Westerfeld has written and I have loved every one. He has written more for young adults, but the couple of books he wrote for adults (that I know of) were really good. So here are the Scott Westerfeld series that I have read and recommend. Continue reading