Daily Archives: August 14, 2015

How do you do a roleplaying game via YouTube? Titansgrave.

We’ve been watching things from Geek & Sundry since before this blog started. We’ve been watching TableTop since the beginning. And we’ve listened to some of Wil Wheaton’s explanation as to why there are some games that are just harder to do on the show.

Which generally included Roleplaying Games, although they’ve done several multi-part episodes to show a little bit of roleplaying (and are in fact in the middle of doing so right now). But it’s hard to do – there’s a lot of thinking, and inside jokes, and imagination, and not a lot to show. Not without a lot of work.

All of which seems to be a problem they have done a lot to solve. They’ve created a new show, which I’m surprised Holly and I didn’t run and share immediately. But some of it is that it’s sucked us in more, week after week. It’s good. We care about the characters at this point – and you can tell the players do. And one of the best things that happens is Wil Wheaton gets the players to flesh out the small details of the world.

The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and it’s amazing. It’s ten episodes in now, and episode nine was particularly harrowing. Not that I suggest starting there: no no, start early. For fun, for glory. For five gold and a party.

Here’s the show in playlist form, starting with the introduction to the world!