Daily Archives: February 5, 2016

Completionism and Board Game Expansions

So when looking on Amazon, and trying to finish an order (used to be for free shipping, now more from trying to round out a gift card…), I usually look back through my ever-increasing wish list of board games and card games. Good stuff – some we’ve seen on TableTop, some we’ve played, some that are recommended.

And then, just a huge amount of expansions.

Expansions to board games is a growing and exploding market. They tend to add a lot to a game – not only in terms of content and new stuff and new rules and options, but replayability. Suddenly there’s so much going on with the game – often a bunch that you haven’t experienced, or haven’t experienced in combination – that it’s always great.

Recently we realized – we don’t actually have a complete game set. Well, maybe for Miskatonic School for Girls… we got the expansion for that.

Miskatonic School for Girls - Holiday Break expansion

Though we haven’t played this expansion yet…

In other words, we have this whole game because it only has one expansion! That’s a really low amount for games anymore. So let me consider a few that we could pursue because we are close or interested – then I’d love to know what you think, or if you have any complete games, in the comments below!

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