Weekend Coffee (Tea) Share

Tea and Pancakes on a Saturday morning.

Tea and Pancakes on a Saturday morning.

If we were having coffee on Saturday, I would probably say how long it has been because I have not been as available lately. This past month has just been insane for me. There is a project at work that I am a part of that has been keeping me late at work almost every night, the Geek Baby has gotten sick, and it has been generally stressful. With David going back to work and the Geek Baby going off to daycare three days a week of course she will start getting sick more. At the same time we did not expect her to get the stomach flu. That on top of everything else has just been kicking my ass lately.

The big problem is that I have been coming home just stressed out of my mind from work. I am in meetings all day that keep me later than I usually stay. By the time I come home we make and eat dinner, I feed her and get her ready for bed I am tapped out. I am already coming home brain dead – the thought of having to write anything additional on top of that just takes me for a spin.

This week though I realized that I need to start writing again. I enjoy doing this, I enjoy writing, but I need to figure out how I can do this on the new schedule and with everything going on. Some of the problem is being able to take some time to plan ahead a bit more, but even that can be hard because it can be difficult to plan writing when home alone with the Geek Baby. She has gotten to the point that she can be particularly clingy on some days, which means that she does not really want to be put down. I had an experience just the other day where we were at Grandma’s house and I put her down for a second to go grab a glass of water. She was in the living room with her Grandmother and as soon as I was in the kitchen she decided to freak out.

Now this is not every day, but it can make it difficult. It would also be nice if things were not the craziness that they are at work right now. The stress of the situation is partly the fact that normally my schedule is pretty solid and that even when we schedule meetings to end by the end of the day they seem to be going late. At the same time I want to be doing this.

The other piece on top of this is that we are watching less movies and reading fewer books, another thing that I would like to try and correct. There have been a lot of changes that have happened this last year and I am still trying to come to grips about how to still fit in the things that I love to do with all of these changes. For a while it was overwhelming, but I think I am finally to the place where I can think about starting to plan how to move forward.

Don’t forget to check out the other #WeekendCoffeeShare posts today over at Part-Time Monster.

4 responses to “Weekend Coffee (Tea) Share

  1. I’m so sorry that the baby has been sick and that you are so stressed. If you have one, bring out the crock pot and let it cook your dinner for you while you are at work. If you don’t have one, now is the time to get one! They are life savers!

    I hope things get better soon. Have a super Christmas…forget everything but the family for a day or two. The world will still go on.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sorry to learned this has been a bad year for you. Keep faith that things will change and in time less stressful. It easier to say than do. I have been there. Have a great day and take time to pray for WORLD WIDE PEACE.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh no stomach flu really sucks! I hope things calm down for you soon :/ I second the crock-pot suggestion and if writing is what helps you feel better you should try finding just 10 minutes a day, or maybe every other day. The key is not to get discouraged on the days you are just too busy.

    Thanks for the coffee, I wish you and yours a happy holiday 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I send you my commiserations. The first year of parenthood was very difficult for me too and at times, I seriously wondered what on earth I’d done. I went to Mother’s Group and working on a list of losses and gains since the baby arrived. Our list of losses was huge with only a few gains. It was a very stressful time. It does get better but often we add another one to the mix. Mine are now almost 12 and 10 and I am much happier. That doesn’t help you now.
    Take care and best wishes, xx Rowena

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