Never Really Shared This – My AMV’s

Before I forget: check back this Saturday for my Avengers: Age of Ultron LitFlix, and Sunday for a special Mother’s Day Guest Post by Patrick Sponaugle!

Many years ago, I dipped my toes into the world of video editing, and made a couple of Anime Music Videos or AMV’s. It took a lot of work, editing in clips from videos to match with the lyrics and music. However, I also found it really rewarding, as I got to re-tell the story of the events portrayed, with the addition of the music.

The main one I made is probably something for the really big Final Fantasy fan. It includes clips from videos from Final Fantasy VI, VII and Advent ChildrenVIIIIXX and X-2. A lot of the scenes from really spoiler-heavy moments, as well. So unfortunately, I’ve never really felt able to share it with many people, as I didn’t want to spoil them. So in many ways, I made it for me. But with the addition of our YouTube, I did put it up, and it is out there if you are interested in watching.

The music is also from a really epic sub-genre of techno: British Hardcore. I was obsessed with this music for a few years, and this is probably the best song I found from it, so hopefully you can enjoy it too! It’s All About You by Scott Brown.

Oh, and I’m sorry about the text at the end. Regretted that almost immediately…

One more AMV after the break!

From what I understand of fair use, I feel these are a form that should be covered – both in terms of the images used, and the music used, if you are ascribing new meaning to them. However, one of the videos ended up with a notice that in some countries, it was not allowed to be played because of copyright. However, it didn’t tell me which, so I have no idea if you’ll be able to view this one or not, but I’ll include it! It’s entirely scenes from Final Fantasy VIII, mostly from disc 2 but a few from the opening sequence. The song is Hotaka by Juno Reactor.

Have you ever made an AMV or other fan video or music video like this? Or done other video editing you want to discuss or share? Let us know in the comments below!

11 responses to “Never Really Shared This – My AMV’s

  1. Great editing. I enjoyed the visual story, though I’m not familiar with the game. The music worked really well, so that was a nice choice too. I haven’t had any experience in making this type of fan video, or music video, but I’ve edited a few sign language clips to tell a humerous story and highlight the visual nature of the language – that was fun. I’m actually really interested in editing, but haven’t done anything in a while except make a short trailer. This makes me want to have a play! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I tried to tell a visual story that was its own story, instead of dependent on the existing one from the games… and with it deconstructing the one from the games a bit! Glad you enjoyed 🙂 Definitely fun to really dive in and create something like this.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m going to watch these two videos after I get work done on a book cover (and will come back to comment then). I’m giddy that you made these AMV!

    In August, it’ll be 10 years since I’ve started making fan videos (ranging from TV shows, to movies, to video games). I love fan videos to pieces! It can be so much fun! I even served as judge on a fan video award site (Driver Picks the Music Fan Video Awards) for 2 years. And I served on the Organization for Transformative Works’s Fan Video and Multimedia Committee for 3 years. The OTW has done a lot to help protect fan creations and history, including with the fair use aspect of it. I also have some of my fan videos on Youtube that aren’t working in certain countries, but I don’t know which ones. Most of the time it is the music industry that gets in the way for the audio track. I don’t understand why fan videos can get the hammer, because I know many people who discovered shows/video games/movies and tons of singers/bands thanks to fan videos. So in the end, it’s free promotion for the artists and brings them new buying fans!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I believe that needs a link…

      Thanks for your insight into this whole world of things 🙂 I did it for fun, but then, I imagine that’s the same thing for most fans doing this! Getting stomped on, then, by the various industries can be tough. Now, if I were running a money-making YouTube channel… sure, need some royalties then.

      Hope you enjoy the videos when you get a chance to watch them 🙂


      • Thanks for the link! I didn’t even think about it! 😉 I’m hoping I can get a new desktop to make fan videos again because I miss it and I want to do something for my 10th vidding anniversary this summer!

        I liked both videos (FFVIII is my favorite Final Fantasy game!) but the first one was my favorite. I love it! Sure I see a few ghost frames here and there (I can’t help seeing these treacherous beings!) but you have a really great choice of clips and certain beautiful bouts of timing! *claps*

        Thank you for sharing! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Replaying Final Fantasy V… again | Comparative Geeks

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